Eviction date is set!

by Amy M.

Well friends, Eliza doesn’t feel inclined to leave her comfy surroundings, so we’ll be giving her a bit of encouragement. This Wednesday evening, we’ll begin the induction process.  I’m not incredibly happy about this–I would much rather she come on her own!  We’re so ready to meet her, however, that we’re willing to do anything at this point.  January 22, her estimated due date, has come and gone with no fanfare.  The good news is that she looked fantastic at her ultrasound yesterday, and she’s been moving around with gusto.  Her pleasant little world will soon be ROCKED.

I’m still holding out hope that she’ll surprise us before Wednesday rolls around.  Today would be great, for example…the weather is beautiful, the house is clean, and there’s a full moon tonight.  Aren’t lots of babies born when the moon is full?  I feel like I’ve heard that before.

For the past couple days, I’ve had bursts of energy, slept well, and generally felt great.  I’ve even lost two or three pounds!  People keep telling me that I don’t look miserable enough to be due yet, but I guarantee you that I’ve been pregnant for nine long months.  I’m doing everything I can think of to encourage labor (except drinking castor oil–gross!), but nothing has worked so far.  At least the dog is happy…I’ve probably walked him 15 miles in the last few days.  Which is good since I still continue to gorge on Girl Scout cookies.

40 weeks 4 days

40 weeks 4 days

In the meantime, we’re trying to stay busy and occupied.  Last night, we went to see Mama, the latest creepy offering from Guillermo del Toro.  It’s no Devil’s Backbone or Pan’s Labyrinth, but pretty entertaining nonetheless.  Jessica Chastain is such a wonderful actress!  SCRUMPTIOUS BONUS:  Jaime Lannister is in it.

We’ve also been taking advantage of the stunning weather here in Corpus.  We took Slade for a walk at the beach last weekend, and today we had a tasty lunch at Harrison’s Landing, a dog-friendly place on the bay.

Gorgeous day!

Gorgeous day!

He's enjoying the last few days of his only child status.

He’s enjoying the last few days of his only child status.

Beach bum





Great place!

My date(s).

My lunch dates.

Pelican Party!

Pelican party (with a seagull photobomb)

Slade and his giant mom

Slade and his giant mom

 That’s all the news we have for now!  Time for me to go bounce on the exercise ball!  It hasn’t encouraged labor so far, but who knows…