Sing Songs, Bring Sweets

Month: June, 2018


I’ve been watching our friends’ one and three-year-old girls the past two days so they could get some painting done in their new house, and wow–I’m exhausted!  So that’s why I don’t have much to post right now.  But thanks for staying with me!

Poetry and motion.

Eliza loves to type on my computer, and she was very eager for me to print this:


Her very first piece of poetry (free-verse)!  She typed this completely independently.  I love how she phonetically sounded out “happens” for “happiness.”

It’s so exciting to watch her learn to read and write.  She refuses to let me help, but that’s ok because she does a pretty great job on her own!


Getting some energy out at Pump It Up!



They just keep growing and growing:-)

Sweet summer craziness.

Last time we visited GaGa and Pappy’s house, we made the dreadful mistake of leaving Ray Ray the Otter behind.  Eliza has slept with Ray Ray since she was a baby, so you can imagine her distress.

Fortunately, GaGa and Pappy were willing to drive to Kingwood this morning to return him and the rest of the toys that we left at their house.  They are amazing!!

We met up at the library, which was hosting a “Teddy Bear Clinic” and a performance of Gregorian Chant.


Checking Baby Monkey’s blood pressure.



An original 600-year-old manuscript.


Beautiful voices!  Made us yearn to hear them in an ancient European cathedral.

A Midsummer Night’s Eve.

Have you ever wondered what to do if, say, your five-year-old has developed the summertime habit of sleeping in until 9:45 and wanting to stay awake until 11:00pm?

Well, you tell her that it’s Midsummer Night’s Eve, and that the fairies are coming to dance upon the tree stump in the backyard.  They will only come, however, if you’re fast asleep.  Fairies are highly secretive, and don’t want to be bothered.  They may, however, leave a small, enchanted gift if you are respectful.

Both kids went to sleep right on time, and woke up promptly at 6:50 am.  Mission accomplished!  Yes, I unashamedly created a new tradition for an ancient holiday.  I have to admit–it was super fun, and we all loved it!  Kinda like Santa, but way less stressful.

The towering trees and endless creatures of Kingwood provide so much scope for the imagination.  Who knows?  Maybe fairies really do frolic in the forest at night!


Little fairy houses.


The fairies left tiny little bottles filled with water beads.  The kids loved watching them grow!


They poured the enchanted beads into little plastic cups, took them to their play kitchen, and played “candy store.”


So relaxing!  Except when they roll all over the floor and get stomped on.

It is yet to be determined if the fairies will return on the winter solstice.  I’m making up this tradition on the fly, and I have no further details at this time:-)

A winter wedding is coming…

We received a special package in the mail from Aunt Kristina and Uncle Michael, and we are SO EXCITED!


“Petal Patrol” and “Ring Security”–the flower girl and the ring bearer:-)



And Jimmy is a groomsman!  We are thrilled to share in their special day.

Aunt Kristina even included two special picture books in the package, each explaining the special duties of a flower girl and ring bearer.  Just perfect!

Rainy days are crafty days.



More salt dough today.  They love it, and it keeps them busy for quite a long time.  Tip–if you add lavender and peppermint essential oil,  the house will smell amazing while the sculptures bake for two hours 🙂



Stonehenge is complete!  Batman is preparing for the summer solstice.


A break in the rain gave us just enough time to collect materials for these little leaf people.

Rainy days.

I love rainy days, especially if I don’t have to go anywhere.   I could sit on the porch with a book and a cup of tea and feel blissful.

Small children, however, become restless and stir-crazy.  How I envy their nonstop energy!

Since it rained off and on the whole day, we decided to spend the afternoon making salt-dough scuptures.  A messy activity, but the kids loved it!

I’ll share pics of the final product tomorrow.


Happy Father’s Day!

Eliza and Jed have two of the best grandpas who ever lived.  It’s true!  And we got to see them both today:-)

They also have the best dad in the entire world, but he’s still finishing up work in Corpus.  We’re counting down the minutes until he’s finally here for good!  Can’t wait!!!


An evening with the symphony.

The Houston Symphony performed a free concert at a nearby high school, complete with an “instrument petting zoo.”  You can bet we were there!



Not sure if this gal is impressed or horrified.



It was a PACKED house!  

We almost finished the entire show!  Jed fell asleep promptly when it started, which was helpful.  Eliza, though squirmy, enjoyed it up until the last number (a trip to the bathroom couldn’t wait any longer).  She especially loved the 15-year-old violin virtuoso who performed the beautiful solo from Schindler’s List.

The conductor was an amiable fellow who gave a brief background of each number, which I really appreciated.  He even did a Q&A with the audience.  The questions, mostly from kids, were hilarious.  One kid asked, “Do you guys know, like, any other songs?”

It was a truly magnificent performance 🙂

Summer days.


Their new “phones” (calculators from the dollar store).


Estate sale find!


They are loving our summer read aloud, but this is the best smile I could get.


“I want a fancy glass like you, Mommy.”  Another dollar store find.


“Come see our tent, GaGa and Pappy!”
